Thursday, August 5, 2010

Detailed Logging for ADF Security

is possible to get more information about what security checks are happening and failing when you run an application with ADF Security enabled. The answer is yes. Just go to the Run / Debug / Profile entry in the project properties and edit the run profile (or create a new one) and add the following parameter to the Java Options field:

Then when you run you'll get a huge amount of output showing each check and the status - rather like this:
[JpsAuth] Check Permission    PolicyContext:        [unsecuredtuhra2#V2.0]    Resource/Target:      [sessiondef.fragments_searchUIPageDef_BasicEmployeeSearchCriteriaQuery_VCTree_Root_internal_vcival_def_34_DynamicRegion]    Action:               [view]    Permission Class:     []    Result:               [FAILED]    Evaluator:            [ACC]    Failed ProtectionDomain:ClassLoader=sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@1ea2dfe   CodeSource=file:/C:/builds/R1_Production/jdeveloper/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adf-share-support.jar   Principals=total 2 of principals(     1. JpsPrincipal: "anonymous" GUID=null DN=null     2. JpsPrincipal:

Managing ADF Security Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g

from Andrejus Baranovskis's Blog